Ongoing Application

Get Involved!

Throughout the year, The Provenance Company hosts various online and in-person events and trainings, and we are always expanding our potential employee pool. By filling out our Ongoing Application, you will be notified when these positions and opportunities become available, sometimes before they are opened to the public.

See our first year of grassland regeneration.


Ongoing Application

Attach Resume PDF (link to Dropbox folder will open in new window): UPLOAD
Please title your resume with the same first and last name used on the application.



About Us

The Provenance Company is committed to mitigating the effects of climate change by regenerating grasslands, increasing land resiliency, and educating the next generation of land managers.

Our current project is located in Western Kansas, where we are transitioning 2,740 acres of cropland back to native grasslands.

We use a land management paradigm we call “Regenerative Rewilding,” which reflects our long-term goal of returning the land to its original ecosystem and guides our path as we make that transition.

In tandem with Regenerative Rewilding, The Provenance Co. utilizes Holistic Management, which uses decision-making and planning procedures that take complexity into account, whether it relates to ecological, social, environmental, or financial systems.